Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Posted by Quincy at 5:59 PM 8 comments
Labels: My Drawings Just for fun
Saturday, January 23, 2010
This week's Illustration Friday topic is Clumsy
This rider was clumsy and forgot his equitation, he didn't ride his horse to the jump correctly, it seems like he didn't ride his horse at a straight line to the jump and probably forgot to count his strides and his horse was a couple strides off so when the horse got up to the jump he refused. Now, the rider could have stayed on if he hadn't gotten up in his two-point too early and neglected to keep his heels down. He also didn't let go of the reins when he fell over the horse's head. But you know, it was probably just a fluke, I mean he is in a pretty high rated show, so its probably not like he's a bad rider... just this one time he very inconveniently messed up today, it happens to us all, not necessarily resulting in this, but we all mess up our equitation once and a while, but I'm sure he'll be extra careful next time.
Posted by Colleen at 5:23 PM 4 comments
Labels: Illustration Friday
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Reading Chair
For my art class homework assignment we're supposed to draw a chair from observation. Seemed kind of odd, I'm so used to her being so vague about our assignments like: Draw something using inspiration from this word/phrase or this wrapper or this peice of chocolate and then leaving the rest up to us. But yesterday she said: draw a chair in your house from observation with pencil. I'm like, atleast I don't have to spend so much time thinking about what to draw, and It wasn't hard to pick which chair I was going to draw. Its the chair i spend hours reading in. :)
Posted by Quincy at 3:24 PM 9 comments
Labels: Art Class, chair assignment
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Cold Blooded Murder of the Jack in the Box
So this just started out as a square that turned into a box... then it was a jack in the box... then, while jack thought he was safe tucked away in his little box, waiting to pounce at the next victim who dared turn the handle and that played the song and opens the top of the box for him to spring, the teddy bear took the spear and through it and it pierced right through the box and skewered poor Jack!
Posted by Quincy at 12:38 PM 9 comments
Labels: My Drawings Just for fun